On Sunday, July 14, the Desert Sleuths (Phoenix) Chapter of Sisters in Crime, in cooperation with Changing Hands Bookstore, presented a panel of unpublished writers to talk about “Getting Your Novel Out of Your Imagination and onto the Page.”
The panel members talked about what they had done in their “non-writing” lives, what becoming a writer had been like for each of them, and what problems they had encountered. Each panelist also addressed questions about what they had written (novels and/or short stories), whether they intended to self-publish or go the traditional route, and how Sisters in Crime and other writers’ groups had been instrumental in providing support and assistance in their quest to become better writers.

The panelists: Nicki Lemmon, Chuck Miiller (yes, two i’s), and Deborah J Ledford (standing), myself and Michele Peters (seated). Deb is an award-winning author and advisor to many of us newbies. Roni Olson served as the moderator.