I am thrilled to announce my publication debut! “Francesca,” a short story, appears in the Sisters in Crime, Desert Sleuths Chapter, 2019 anthology SoWest: Ladykillers. The anthology, which features short stories from 22 authors, was unveiled at the group’s annual WriteNow! Conference on Friday, September 27. Special thanks go to my wife, Rachel, for agreeing to be my first reader and always letting me know when my writing wasn’t quite right; to my editor, Deborah J. Ledford, who helped massage this story until it was ready; and to all my author friends who said to me, “Don’t stop writing.” Headlining the conference were authors Catriona McPherson, Jess Lourey, and Dennis Palumbo. Copies of the anthology are available from Amazon: https://amzn.to/2oClp8p